
Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Hurricane?

So, why bother even making plans when they crumble before you in a blink of an eye; eye of a hurricane that is?  Instead of leaving for the city with my parents and taking our time together over a nice weekend, Irene rears her ugly head and says "I don't think so" to my plans. 3 days later than scheduled I am finally leaving for the city! I am due to arrive on Tuesday morning with just my lovely father. Classes were due to start on Monday with orientation on Sunday, however orientation was postponed and classes were canceled until Tuesday. Damages resulting from Irene are not nearly what was predicted by the dramatic weather forecasters. I don't know about you, but crying hurricane and evacuation are not to be taken lightly. Irene was downgraded to just a tropical storm- no 100mph winds in sight. Irene made me a very unhappy camper this past weekend because my waiting was increased along with my frustrations. I was all packed and ready to go- bags were in the car and all my clothing was in space saver vacuum sealed bags so I couldn't unpack anything and I basically wore the same clothes ALL weekend! At least I'll always remember why I didn't make it to NYC on time....what hurricane?


  1. Glad you made it ems!!...go get em...and if you have a little extra money pick up a knock off purse from the street for it then run like crazy cuz it's probably "hot"...he he...

    be safe and a big hug from us in little bay village ohio!!

    aunt kate

  2. Thanks katy! ill try to get away with the knock off bag! hope all is well! let me know if youre in the city we can get lunch somewhere! heres my number: 3306206322

